Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Installation of my BFA exhibition "Rowing Home"
The poem that accompanied the installation:

Rowing Home

Looking back
across memory
I see my former selves
contrived, forgotten, abandoned

though they erode slowly
they still stand

I peer past and glimpse a truer self
one that was
and still lives
deep within

Selected pieces were soda fired after the exhibition ended:
Approximately 32"tall
Approximately 35' tall
Approximately 24" tall
The Barnard slip gives a black metallic to bronze finish when laid on thick and a rich brown when thinner or rubbed off. It also puckers a bit after firing when applied to bisque as opposed to a smoother finish when applied to green-ware. These pieces have inspired me to continue to develop other forms with similar qualities to these. I hope this coming semester is fruitful. I graduate in May and am in the process of applying to MFA programs.

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